

"Der Mensch hat een Maare. Un des net imsist!"

(famous Hessian saying, meaning: humans have a stomach for eating delicious food)

We will be pleased to indulge you in for example our rustic restaurant, called Gürre Stowe, or in our beer garden. In order to come up with our slogan “naturally” we set great value on the usage of products that are seasonally available or available in our garden. It is important for us to support the dedicated distributors of our region. Apart from all-day dining we offer gastronomic specialities made of sausages by Jörg (produced in our home slaughtering), Rita’s delicious cakes for the afternoon and, not to forget, Christine’s homemade bread made of sourdough– no matter if you want to eat it for breakfast or dinner. 

We are happy about your reservation, just call 0049 6456 / 295.